Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year!

Okay, so it's a new year, and looking back at 2011, gotta say that although it was a pretty kick-ass year, I didn't get as far with my art as I wanted to. So my new year's resolution is to keep practicing and get better! But then again, I make that resolution every year.

Anyway, did a quick little digital painting in grayscale and liked the way it turned out. I just wanted to experiment a bit with different brush types, since I always use soft edged airbrush settings, which is awesome but then gets me stuck doing blending and details for 50 hours. Instead, I decided to just try and do a quick piece using JUST hard edged brushes and some textured brushes I've had on PS forever but never used. Turned out pretty good.

This was the piece about 20 mins in, just blocking in some basics and getting the composition right. As you can see, that smoke brush I have is pretty awesome and really helped out a lot.

And here's the completed piece. Robot dude is standing a little less lopsided, and looks more intimidating. Also made the vehicles and people smaller, to give a much grander scope. It was a lot of fun to do and only took about 2 hours max.

Gonna really start ramping up my digital works, so I'll try and post some more work in progress stuff.

Happy new year!

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